Dear Friends,
I have a prayer request for you all. The doctors recently diagnosed my uncle Howard Yeakel (who is in his 50s) with a very aggressive form of cancer. They say there is large mass the size of a grapefruit in his abdominal area. They aren't very optimistic about the situation and asked if he would like hospice which he declined.
Even though they are not optimistic I know that The Father God and The Lord Jesus Christ are bigger than negative reports and defy odds all of the time regardless of the circumstances.
I would be truly grateful if you all would commit to pray for him daily - for salvation, complete (physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual) healing, recovery, and restoration.
So that he may be a living, breathing, walking testimony and witness to The Father God and His infinite power, love, kindness, compassion, mercy, and grace.
And, may The Father God and The Lord Jesus Christ get all of the credit, praise, honor, and glory!
In the mighty Name of Jesus, Amen!
God bless you all and thank you in advance!
In Christ, Roger Yeakel |  |  | |
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