IYWCC. Thursday July 5th, 2012
Prayer class with Pastor Ray Barnard
Living by Faith
The world system is a labor based system, where you toil for what you need.
The Kingdom of GOD is where He provides for all your needs.
Faith is our principle of life.
Living expectant of GOD!
Colossians 2:6,7
When the Promise has come it should strengthen our Hope in GOD!
Habakkuk 2:3,4
Vision...speaks... So live by Faith!
GOD will provide, no matter what you see!
Time will work against you... GOD isn't moved by time... He's moved by Faith!
Soul: emotions, mind...
Bee Renewed
Grow in reliance on GOD as knowledge of Him increases
Romans 1:16,17
Bee Released by self-effort
We cannot earn GODs Grace, the Blood of Christ speaks Peace within our spirit
Galatians 3:11,12
Hebrews 3:11-19
Entering into GODs Rest
Hebrew 4:16
We are receivers of GODs Provision
Longsuffering and Patient Endurance is a fruit of the Spirit
Jesus is our Strong Anchor
Maintain BOLDness in Prayer!!!
We are NOW Confident towards GOD and what we can receive!
We Recognize what we are Called to do!
See to Believe then Receive the Promise!
Hebrews 10:35-38
Bee Confident
Bee Patient
Bee Employed for Purpose, but not for Provision!!
Work to eat... 2 Thessalonians 3:10-13... Bee where GOD planted you, don't be busybodies!! Don't be weary in Doing Well!!
Put your Full Reliance in Christ!
Don't settle in, keep Growing!
Persuaded to Believe by the Holy Spirit!!
Don't be stirred by emotions!!
Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness !!
Bee Persistent!!
Acts 1:14 & 2:42
Faith keeps us Secure in Christ
1 Peter 1:5
The Blood of Jesus
1 Peter 1:18,19
Hebrews 9:12
The Everlasting Covenant
Hebrews 13:20,21
Christ's Continuing work as our High Priest
Hebrews 7:21,25
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