 | Let our KING bee lifted Up! Hosanna! He came to save us! Hallelujah! Will you still Praise Him no matter what? Yes? Even if your child dies? Yes? Even if you lose your home, job and car? Yes? Even if you are forced to give away your Precious Treasures? Yes? Will your Faith in Jesus stand ALL your terrible troubles? Yes? Will you keep your mind stayed on Jesus no matter what? Yes? Hosanna in the Highest!! Save us from our fears and release our tears! Let us LOVE You No Matter What Happens! Let us Keep our eyes ONLY on You! Hallelujah! I give You ALL the Glory! Let Your Life Bee Written in my heart! I Will Follow YOU No Matter What! Here are my hands, here is my heart, here is my mind, here are my feet, here is my mouth, and here are my eyes! Let ALL that I say and do bring Glory to Your Name LORD Jesus! Love, BeckieBee Sunday, July 22, 2012
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