Sunday January 20, 2013
ALL things NEW!!!
Revelation 21:5-7
...I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts!!!
Things will fall apart, ONLY Jesus Christ will STAND!!!
What you do for Jesus will last!!!
Jesus Love is based on value: LOVE your enemies!
Renew your mind!
Before you ever believed, Jesus showed that you BELONGED!!!
Attitude and action are connected!
Jesus makes you feel like you belong!
How are you making other people feel???
Smith Wigglesworth...
Get SATUARATED with the Love of Jesus!!! The more you walk in Love, the more Glory of GOD will flow thru you!!!
Get the Glow!!!
You gotta have the Love of GOD... But you better not hate your brother!
No backbiting or gossip!!!
1 John 4:11
**I send you the Gift of Love and Laughter, a Peaceful Heart, a Special Dream and JOY forever after!** Love, BeckieBee