Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013

All things new

12 men upset the world

People will come to watch you burn with the FIRE of Jesus!
Prophetic insight
Subject to the atmosphere you're in
Seek the Truth and Bee Available
Go ye mode
Go Do
More than enough
Blessed to Bee a Blessing

Take care of the LORD's House
GOD will never forget what you DO for others
Every seed you put in will change someone's life :)
Bee Accountable
GOD Loves a Cheerful Giver
Give unto the LORD, He's the One who Rewards you

Revelations 21:5-7
Behold, I make ALL things new!
True and Faithful
I will give of the fountain of the water of life FREELY to him who thirsts!

Help me to thirst more deeply for You, O LORD!

He who overcomes shall inherit ALL things, and I will BE his GOD and he shall BE My son!

Complete in Christ :)
Wall-to-wall Glory
The temple of the Living GOD

Bee As if you're already raised with Christ
Walk just like Jesus
Work greater than Jesus
How much do you want to think like Christ?

Access Heaven NOW
Romans 12:1,2
You can speak death to the works of darkness!
Life and death is in the power of the tongue!
1 John 3
Anointed to Bless into life
You are appointed to curse the darkness
Atmosphere Cleanser
You are called to Remove the DIS

Take a Praise break and soak in GOD's Presence

Romans 12:1,2
Living sacrifice
Don't be conformed to this world
BE Transformed by the renewing of your mind
Prove what is Good & acceptable & perfect Will of GOD

I'm a candidate to Bee Morphed out
Caterpillar to Butterfly
Hear, see and perceive better
How GOD sees it

Hebrews 12:9-18
Let Love BE without hypocrisy
Abhor what is evil
Cling to what is Good
BE Kindly affectionate to one another

Love people with the Truth!!!
Speak the Truth in LOVE!!!
Love without truth can be hypocritical!!!

I have hidden Your Word in my heart so I might not sin against you!
This is how GOD deals with sin:
Discipline and Hope
But He doesn't use punishment or labeling
Judgement is an evaluation
1 & 2 Corinthians
You can't change other people and its not your responsibility to change them
It's only your responsibility to LOVE

**I send you the Gift of Love and Laughter, a Peaceful Heart, a Special Dream and JOY forever after!** Love, BeckieBee