Saturday, February 16, 2013

**17 Months**

Its been *17 months* Since Friday, September 24, 2011 when we had to leave our home we were renting because of the damaged sustained by Hurricane Irene, the ceilings fell down! Thank GOD no one got hurt! We've been staying in ALL different places until we finally get HOME, wherever that may bee, in GOD's time! :-) We stayed in Hotels as a Home for 33 weeks in Mount Laurel, NJ **Come Quickly, Lord Jesus!** Then we stayed in our van from Sunday, May 13, 2012 to Sunday, July 13, 2012** and since then we Thank GOD for friends who were Kind to take us into their home for the last 7 months! *** Beloved, I wish above ALL things that You may Prosper and Bee in Health, even as your soul Prospers!!!** **Your Happiness will grow out of the Compassion you show for others!** Love, BeckieBee**