Easter Sunday 2013
My past can bee forgiven
My future can bee secure
My present
Matthew 28:1-10
He is Risen!
Jesus brings JOY, Love and Peace Everyday!
Changed Forever because of His Love!
Acts 1:1-3
God never made man to DIE!!!
God made us with NSA! No Strings Attached!
Disobedience makes us to be separated from GOD!
The effects of sin is Death!!!
Everyone has a Choice to reject or accept Christ!
The Life we yearn for is in Christ Jesus!
Jesus IS Risen from the dead!
Jesus was born Pure and Holy, with NO sin in Him!
Holy Blood Transfusion:
Jesus laid the unrighteousness, sickness and poverty on the Cross, the sentence of Death on His Body so we could be made Pure and Holy!
**I send you the Gift of Love and Laughter, A Peaceful Heart, A Hopeful Dream, JOY today and forever after!!!** Love, BeckieBee