Sunday, October 26, 2013
Little girl, Arise!
Luke 8:54
Think about where GOD has brought you from and Praise His Name!
My Help comes from the LORD! Maker of the Heavens and Earth!
Not for me, but for Your Glory, O LORD!
Called you to BE Sanctified, not dignified!
Don't Judge Others Praise!
Get Excited about what the LORD has done!
Mark 8:22
Get GOD's Attention!
How do you see?
Is your vision clear?
Who are you Serving?
STOP obeying Tradition!
You are FREE!
BE Who GOD call you to Be!
GOD came to give you LIFE!
Get out of the Coffin Box and Live!
BE Healed!
GOD puts the Extra on your ordinary!
Crawl if you have to and then RUN!
Faith is TRUST!
Hope is speaking it into Existence!
Give your words LIFE!
Yup, you get what you ask for!
Bee Careful!
When you touch Jesus, His POWER is imparted to you!
His Strength!
Where IS your Faith?
Your tone speak your will!
If you Confess and you Believe... It's DONE!
2 Corinthians 6:18
**I send you the Gift of Love and Laughter, A Peaceful Heart, A Hopeful Dream, JOY today and forever after!!!** Love, BeckieBee