I'm the JUST!
Romans 1:16,17
Don't listen to CNN: Constant Negative News!!!
Whose report will you Believe?
1 Corinthians 2:1-5
That your FAITH would rest in the POWER of GOD
Hebrews 10:36-38;11:6
No Drawing Back!
Keep Drawing NEAR to GOD!!!
Break FREE from Fear!!!
You can Stand UP!!!
Don't make sinners comfortable!
Hebrews 11:1
Do you Want GOD's Power Manifested in your life?
Matthew 8:1
What you do in the mountain is gonna determine what happens to you in the valley!
Mountains take time and effort!
Location and Direction
Matthew 14:22,23
Get away from the things that distract you from GOD!
Spend hours with GOD and minutes with men!
Matthew 17:1,2
Get up to the High Mountain!
Mark 5:25-34
Daughter, your FAITH has made you Whole!
Give Substance to your Faith!
Be a Temple!
Don't Build One!
Impart, don't impress!
Be a Party Animal for Jesus!
Matthew 8:1-15
Jesus was used to coming to people's homes...
Speak the WORD Only!
Only say the WORD and I will Be Healed!
Jesus will never back off His WORD!
You Determine to turn your Distraction into a Destruction!