**Sharing a Life changing, Encouraging Word everyday!!! Sharing Peace, Love, and Joy so we can learn HOW TO OVERCOME ANY Challenge and Bee Happy no matter what!**
Friday, May 30, 2014
Make a Movie
Secretly grab your parents' wedding album, use your phone to take photos of the top 25 pictures in the album, and email them to info@HereIsYourMovie.com. From there the photos will be transformed into a professional 3-minute music YouTube video, that your parents can watch or send the link to their friends…and it will never fade like their photos. If you order a video and put my email address in as the "agent," I get $20 commission—and as a family we sure could do with it at the moment. Just make sure you put: "This order's agent is: gobeehappy@yahoo.com" Thank you =:) Love, BeckieBee