Prayer of Hope
Abba Father,
You promised that You would be with us wherever we go.
You promised that Your angels would guard our steps.
You told us to be strong and very courageous.
Help us know the best plan you have laid out for our lives, You know the plans, the one that gives us hope and a future!
Help us keep our eyes on Jesus whatever storm we are in.
Help us not look at the hurricane winds or the stormy seas, but keep our focus on the Master who said "Peace be still!"
Help us to be still, You told us to come to You all who are weary and heavy ladened and You would give us rest.
Jesus gives us the rest that will heal our body, soul, mind and spirit.
Refresh our spirits and give us the mind of Christ.
Thank You for the Heavenly Armor that protects us.
We aren't alone in this world, in this journey we call life, You gave us so much more that we haven't even imagined yet.
You know us, Abba Father, we trust You with all our hearts, we are Your children!
Thank You for sending Your Son who gave His Love for us!
We are Eternally Grateful <3 Amen!
© 2016 Bee Happy Inspirations
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